Here's what's new on my page:
June 14th, Got rid of the beer section until I actually get around to putting something there. Removed some buttons from the bottom of the page. Removed inactive webring. Updated Altenberg pages.

June 4th, More quotes.

May 16th, New quotes and poetry.

May 9th, Moved all survey's, questionaires, voting issue, etc to Wolfger Interactive.
Moved the screen saver link off the main menu. Put up my poetry page (including some of my own stuff).

May 3rd, Updated the appearance of the page, got a couple web rings up on the rings page, added more quotes (over 200 now), cussed out MSIE 3.0, added links to personality test and purity test (and forms where you can share the results).

April 27th, Added hit counter, guestbook, page for web rings and links. Removed auto-refresh from main page (go to screen saver page for automatically updated quotes-of-the-moment, or just click on the quote). Changed What's Coming, since I've been working on things that weren't listed there, and not working on things that are.

April 11th, added more quotes, updated Altenberg calendar.

Feb 24th, Got a little fancy with the main page. This site is now best viewed with Netscape 4.0. Made the quote-of-the-moment auto-refresh. Added a "what's coming" page, in lieu of a rather ambiguous "under construction" gif. Added a quote screen-saver.

Feb 18th, I finally got my main page HTML 4.0 validated *and* working properly with Netscape 3.0, 4.0, and MSIE 3.0 (any other browsers I should worry about?). I also put a little polish on the page... The rest will be modified and validated soon, too.

Feb 15th, I made some changes to the Altenberg home page (check What's New there for details), added a page dedicated to homebrewing, threw some button links at the bottom of my page, added more quotes, and generally wasted away a lazy Sunday in a semi-useful fashion. Oh, yeah... I also added *this* page, so you could find the new stuff without searching my entire page. And after several hours, finally fixed the random quote generator :-)

Previous to Feb 15th, I have a random quote generator that doesn't quite work right, a page of quotes, the Shire of Altenberg home page (a Society for Creative Anachronism group), and an un-finished Acrophobia page.